Assessment tasks






The CPAP Assessment Tasks (CATs) can be used as a set for each study, or purchased individually to supplement existing tasks used at schools. The CATs are priced from $35 for each outcome, come complete with suggested responses, and contain a license to photocopy a class set. An assessment package for each unit of study will cost as little as $70 (inclusive of GST).

The CATs have been written exclusively by VCE Examination Assessors with the purpose of providing high quality assessment material for teachers of Commerce subjects in the Victorian Curriculum. Our writers have prepared each task via a structured question format, with a focus on the key knowledge and skills for each area of study. In particular, ’CPAP writers have used their recent examination assessing experience to prepare tasks that reflect the standard expected in VCE examinations, focusing on the common errors made by students, whilst simultaneously addressing the core requirements of each outcome’.

All CATs have been written new each year to ensure that the latest developments are incorporated into their design. 

Overall, CATs will ease teacher workload and provide teachers with security in the knowledge that assessment tasks are prepared by experts in the relevant field.

Unit 1&3 Assessment tasks

From Monday 29 January

Unit 2 & 4 Assessment tasks

From Monday 27 May

Unit 1 & 3 exams

From Monday 22 April

Unit 3/4 Exams & Unit 2 exams

Monday 5 August (3/4) Monday 19 August (U2)

Teachers should note that current year (2024) assessment tasks can only be purchased from schools via a valid school order number.  Prior year tasks (pre-2024) can be purchased from this site by clicking on the link below: