Engaging Gen Z in the classroom
Presented by
Australian teacher of the year 2013
The teaching and learning landscape is heavily influenced by a generation of tech savvy students who are more demanding than ever. You may be an experienced teacher searching for new strategies to keep your students focused, eager and engaged. Or you may be new to teaching and want to learn about what works when teaching the current generation of students.
Sophie Fenton has years of experience actively engaging secondary school students. She will provide you with examples of techniques that she uses to minimise ‘dead time’ in the classroom and help you to foster an environment where students accept responsibility for their learning and are willing to actively engage in their lessons.
The program will commence with Sophie sharing the lessons learned from the International Space Camp in Alabama. She will then spend the majority of the program discussing how to go about creating dynamic Teaching and Learning in the Gen Z era. By the end of the program, participants should feel more confident in their abilities to enhance learning for students and simultaneously create more enjoyable teaching experiences.

Date: Friday 14 March 2014
Time: 5.15pm – 7.30pm
Place: Capitol Theatre 113 Swanston St Melbourne Cost: $65 per person