About Sophie Fenton
Sophie Fenton completed a BA (Hons) in History and went on to complete a MA (Politics) in International Relations at Monash University. In 2012, she was awarded a National Excellence in Teaching Award (NEiTA) and Australian Scholarships Group (ASG) State and Territory Inspirational Teaching Award for Victoria. In 2013, Sophie was awarded a NEiTA and ASG National Teaching Award for Excellence in Innovation. She went on to be named Australian Teacher of the Year and was ASG’s Australian Education Ambassador at the International Space Camp in Alabama, July 2013. Sophie has been involved in education and learning for the past 20 years, both as a university lecturer and in secondary schools.

She has been teaching at Ballarat Grammar for the past 7 years, teaching VCE History and Global Politics. She is also Chair of the Humanities Faculty and Head of Teaching and Learning. Sophie is an experienced Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) Examination Assessor in Global Politics, a VCAA Reviewer of the Global Politics Study Design and writes practice exams and resource materials for Global Politics. Apart from being actively involved inside her school, Sophie also works with other schools and organisations to support teachers and students in learning; presenting at conferences and revision lectures, conducting workshops and participating in collegial projects.