CPAP Publications
Scroll down to view the hard copy publications for sale directly from CPAP. The prices quoted include GST but exclude postage and handling (P&H) charges. The P&H charge for the first book is $11 and $3 for each additional book if sent in the same delivery.
Please note that if you only require a hard copy version of one of the CPAP publications then ordering directly from CPAP is the cheapest and quickest option. However, if you require a digital and/or digital/hard copy bundle (i.e. both a digital and hard copy), then these are available exclusively from our partner provider, Campion.
Click on the link below to purchase digital copies and/or view the various digital/bundle options available.

Economic Fundamentals in Australia

In stock
Economics from the ground up
(4th ed)

In stock
Economic Fundamentals in Australia
(8th ed)
Discounted by 50%

In stock
Legal Studies from the ground up
(2nd ed)

Old Study Design but excellent teacher resource
In stock
Legal Fundamentals in Australia
(2nd ed)

Old Study Design but excellent teacher resource
In stock
The CPAP Study Guide to VCE Economics, Part 1 (19th ed 2025)

In stock
The CPAP Study Guide to VCE Economics, Part 2 (19th ed 2025)

Available late May
The CPAP Study Guide to VCE Business Management (9th ed 2025)

In stock
The CPAP Study Guide to VCE Legal Studies (14th ed 2025)

In stock
The CPAP Study Guide to VCE Legal Studies (12th ed 2024)
Old edition (current Study Design)

In stock
The CPAP Study Guide to VCE Accounting

In stock
The CPAP Study Guide to VCE Accounting
Old edition (previous Study Design)

In stock
The CPAP Study Guide to VCE Economics, Part 2 (18th ed 2024)
Old edition (current Study Design)

In stock
The CPAP Study Guide to VCE Economics, Part 1 (18th ed 2024)
Old edition (current Study Design)

In stock
* Postage and handling: $12.00 per copy plus $3 per additional copy.
In the case of the CPAP Study Guide to VCE Economics Part 2, in the event that the order is placed before publication (late May), it will also incur a $12 P&H fee (and not $3) if it is ordered with another publication. This is due to the requirement for a separate delivery at the time of publication in late May.1